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Conjunctival globes cell density following cataract surgery: dry eye syndrome. 37th congress of ESCRS 2019 Paris 14-18 September 2019 Efficacy of bromfenac 0.9 mg/ml ophthalmic solution for preventing pseudophakic cystoids macular edema. 37th congress of ESCRS 2019...


Topical serum autologous 20% for ocular surface: Cataract Surgery. 34rd Congress SECOIR, Santiago de Compostela, España from 22 – 25 may 2019 Prophylaxis treatment method for pseudophakic cystoids macular edema. 34rd Congress SECOIR, Santiago de Compostela,...
Vienna 2018 – 36th Congress of the ESCRS

Vienna 2018 – 36th Congress of the ESCRS

Presenter: Evangelia Stangogianni MD; Crisanti Stangogianni MD Factors affecting the accuracy and precision of intraocular lens power calculation with ocular biometric measurements versus immersion ultrasound biometry Efficacy of nepafenac 0.3% plus dexamethasone 0.1%...
COPHY 2018

COPHY 2018

Presenter: Evangelia Stangogianni MD; Crisanti Stangogianni MD Toric Intraocular lens implantation for corneal ectasia: case report. Effect of topical nepafenac ophthalmic suspension 0,3% as an non steroidal anti-inflammatory in prevention of cystoid macular edema...
WOC 2018

WOC 2018

Εκφωνήτριες: Ευαγγελία Στανγκογιάννη MD, Κρισάντη Στανγογιάννη MD Αποτελεσματικότητα των ενέσεων του υποεπιπεφυκότα αγγειακού ενδοθηλιακού αυξητικού παράγοντα (VEGF) αμέσως και μετά από χειρουργική εκτομή στην πρωτογενή θεραπεία πτερυγίου Επιδράσεις των οφθαλμικών...
32nd International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery 1-4 March 2018 Athens-Greece

32nd International Congress of the Hellenic Society of Intraocular Implant and Refractive Surgery 1-4 March 2018 Athens-Greece

Εκφωνήτριες: Evangelia Stangogianni MD; Crisanti Stangogianni MD Surgically induced astigmatism after Coaxial Microincision Cataract Surgery. Χειρουργικά, προκαλούμενος αστιγματισμός μετά από ομοαξονική χειρουργική μικροτομή σε επέμβαση καταρράκτη Sub-Luxated...